A successful school Parents' Advisory Council (PAC) receives and values the input from as many parents as possible. Please consider attending a meeting and becoming involved in your child's school. Remember, as a parent of a child attending Little Mountain Elementary School, you are automatically a member of our school PAC. 

Our PAC meetings are scheduled on the 3rd Monday of each month for the 2024-2025 school year. 

To contact the PAC in general or to contact any of our PAC executive, please email lme-pac@sd33.bc.ca 


Newly Elected Parents' Advisory Council Executive for 2024/2025

  • Chair Person:
  • Acting Chair:   Sarah Douglas
  • ​Treasurer:  Debra Ercanbrack
  • Secretary: Andrea Martin
  • DPAC Representative: Vrushali Khot
  • Member at Large:  
  • Member at Large: Vacant

Hot Lunch Orders:


Please note that if you have ordered and your child is away on hot lunch day, you can request the item be saved for pickup or given to a sibling/friend. If we don't receive information regarding an absent child's hot lunch before 11:45am, those items will be donated to our lunch program so they don't go to waste!