Harmony Day Wednesday February 26th: On February 26th we celebrate Harmony Day wearing our Pink Shirts. This year’s theme is “All Kinds of Kindness”; a simple but powerful message encouraging us to look beyond our differences and care for each other.
Parent, Student and Teacher Conferences are Thursday February 27th. This is an opportunity to get a glimpse into how your child is doing. Please take advantage of this opportunity to find out how to support your child or to celebrate where your child is at. Look for information from your child’s teacher for information. Conferences will be held from 3:30 to 5:30 Thursday February 27th.
Early Dismissal: Our second early dismissal is Friday February 28thstudents will be dismissed at 11:25 AM.
Spirit Day: Our next Spirit Day is Friday March 14th. Friday March 13th is ‘Wear Green Day’.