What is StrongStart?
StrongStart is a free drop in program for all parents or caregivers and their children. A qualified early childhood educator will lead the families in activities that include stories, music and crafts. Inviting center will be set up around the room that will allow parents to engage their children in enriching and fun activities that will help the children learn through play. Healthy snacks will be available and provide a time for neighbourhood families to connect with each other.
Chilliwack Community Services will be providing the staff for the centre and other local agencies, such as public health nurses, as well as the school staff will be invited to drop by and provide important connections for the family as well.
Who can attend?
The program is designed for all children under the age of 5. Parents/caregivers remain with their child(ren) at the Centre. Pre-registration is required and the the information to do so can be found on the Strong Start website.
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday : 8:30am -11:30am