Kindergarten and Grade 1
Supplies will be purchased in bulk and the following amounts can be paid to the school -via the new online payment system - details to be sent out in September.
- Kindergarten - $40
- Grade 1 - $45
Grade 2-5
After receiving feedback from parents and consulting with both the PAC and the teachers, we have decided to give parents two options for purchasing student supplies. If you have a child going into grade 2, 3, 4 or 5, you will be able to:
1. Use the supplies list sent home with the report cards and emailed out today to purchase the supplies at stores of your own choice
2. You may go to https://schoolstart.ca/ and purchase the supplies online using our online supply list provided to School Start. For this option you will pay the company directly online. Orders cannot be taken at the school.
- Click “Parents Shop Here”
- Select BC
- Select Chilliwack
- Select Little Mountain Elementary
- Click “Shop SchoolStart.ca”
- Click “Click here to purchase your school kits”
- Choose the grade your child will be going into next school year
If you require assistance with providing school supplies for your child, please contact the school at 604-792-0681.